Competition Prep | IIFYM, Carb Cycling, Fasted Cardio, Trial And Error

Today I’m going to be talking about some things I am trying out in my fitness and nutrition. I will not say I am an expert, at all, but through trial and error I have learned some things. I am thinking about doing a NPC competition in about 7 months, no guarantees, but it’s for sure a hope of mine. But a competition is harder than it sounds. You have to get so lean, and when you are trying to lose weight and its going so slow, getting to competition lean can be a daunting task.

So here are some things that I’m going to experiment with the next 1-2 months to see if anything can help me with my weight loss:

IIFYM (FLEXIBLE DIETING)        If you haven’t seen this before it basically means you find the macros (carbs,proteins,fats) for your goal and track them and make sure everything fits into those numbers. (I can talk about this in more detail in another post)

CARB CYCLING       The idea behind this is that you will cycle through low carb and high carb days, some even do medium carb days too. This process still includes IIFYM. I have never done carb cycling before so I’m starting it today and will update in a few weeks. There is many different takes on how many low carb and high carb days people do. But from my research, I will be following the Low Carb Low Carb followed by High carb and Repeat. We will see how that goes.

FASTED CARDIO          I have done this before but not long enough to know if it actually makes a difference. It will also work better with my knew work schedule anyways so whatever.

So just wanted to do a quick post about what I will be doing the next few months! And If and When I start competition Prep, I will have you guys stay along on the journey!

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