Weight Loss : Why Does It Take So Long? Weight Loss Tips

Hey Guys! Today’s Topic is a little different than normal because I have yet to write a post about weight loss.

For so many people, (including me), weight loss is a LONG journey. Now of course you can do it in a unhealthy way and take less time but that isn’t long term and it will definitely bite you in the butt later. Today I’m mainly going to talk about some reasons why weight loss can take so long. Because I know when it takes awhile it can be discouraging, but the best and most permanent weight loss takes the most time, remember that. And it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.

So let’s get in to it!

Reason 1: The “diet” or “plan” you are following is not working for you specifically!

I know that when we are trying to find diets or certain ways to eat, we can easily get caught up in a “diet plan” that worked for this person or that person, or even that group of people…but that doesn’t mean it will work for you. Of course there will need to be some trial and error, since 99% of people will not stumble upon the diet that works for them on their first try.

So what I’m trying to say is give each way of loosing weight enough time, but if it doesn’t work don’t get discourage and think it’s your fault! Just move on and try something new!


Reason 2: You aren’t doing  your part (diet and exercise excluded!)

What I mean by this is yeah, you could be following your diet and workout program to-a-T, but still no results? You get super frustrated and give up…DON’T! Even though you feel that doing the eating and exercise portion right should get you there, most of the time that is not the case! Before you give up and try another plan, do these things!

– GET MORE SLEEP! Plan on getting AT LEAST 8 hours! Yes 8! “but i’m too busy” … I assure you if you           give 100% effort, you can do it!

– Drink more water! Pure water! A good starting guideline is half your body weight in oz. Example: for a 150 pound person, they should be drinking 75 oz of water, and that is NOT including your exercise! So every 30 mins of working out, add yet another 8 oz of water! Why?! The less water you drink, the more your body needs to hold on to the water! If you don’t drink enough water, the human body is able to hold on to/store up to 20 pounds of pure water weight. NOT what you want…So drink up!!

– Get Rid of stress for good. Of course no one will ever be completely stress free, ever. But you can at least eliminate some of it. Surprisingly, even the smallest amount of stress can take a huge toll on our body! So find things that help relive your stress like: going for a walk, listening to music, treating yourself to a massage, working out, taking a bubble bath, and even getting more sleep will help your stress levels. Stress really demolishes the fat burning hormones in your body. So if your goal is to lose weight, you want the least amount of stress possible!

Reason 3:  Have Fun with it!

– Like I said earlier, its about the destination not the journey! Think that losing weight could never be fun since it’s more like a task? Think again! Find things that make it fun and help keep you motivated. This is crucial because no matter how long it takes to get to your goal, you can remember how fun it is to get there! Here is some things to try to make the process more fun:

– Instagram! There is a HUGE fitness community on Instagram and you can be part of it too! Just make an account dedicated to fitness where you can put pictures of your food, progress, etc. Then look up fitness related hashtags and you can meet tons of other fitness junkies and help motivate each other!

– Good music! Create a pump-up playlist, something that makes you really want to head in the gym! And maybe reward yourself to buy a new song at the end of each week of great workouts!

– Find a buddy! Heard this one before? Well hear it again because it’s so helpful! You can help each other! AND When there is a set time to meet, there is less of a chance for you to back out of your workout!


Well I hope you guys liked this post and thought it was helpful!


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