NPC BIKINI PREP | 12 Weeks Out, Plans, Schedule, Staying Organized And Motivated

Officially 12 weeks out starting tomorrow! Holy Cow It’s CRUNCH TIME!!!

I may have started this prep journey off by saying I’m prepping for a figure competition. But deep down I have always wanted to do bikini instead. The only reason I was originally going to do figure is because my body is closest to that right now. But I decided even if I have to work three times as hard, I want to prep for bikini, so that’s what I’m doing!

What this basically means is I will have to lose a few extra pounds than I would for figure and do more cardio as well, but I’m gonna do it!

So since its three months away now everything HAS TO BE ON POINT!

So decided to share the main things I will be doing EVERYDAY for the rest of these 12 weeks:


– Lifting 6 days a week

– Following my meal plan (3 low carb days, 2 high carb days, repeat {current carb cycling plan})

– Aiming for 9 hours of sleep a night

– Stretching and foam rolling everyday (something I’m not good at)

– Intermittent Fasting (Can only eat with a 8 hour window, 16 hours not eating) (sometimes will also follow a 10 hour eating window, 14 hours not eating, as long as I’m not eating for at least 14 hours)

– Posing Practice around 3 times a week


My Main motivation will be looking at my progress pictures. That Always seems to motivate me when I don’t feel like working out.

Make Sure to follow me on my 12 week bikini prep journey by:

– reading my blogs

– following my Instagram account @myfit_passion

– watching my youtube videos Account name: Hannah Approved

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